If you, or the person you care for, receive the Higher Rate Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or the Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or the Armed Forces Independent Payment (AFIP) or the War Pensioners' Mobility Supplement (WPMS), and have at least 12 months left of your award entitlement, then the answer is YES!
Disability Living Allowance is ending for people born after 8 April 1948, and are 16 or over, and being replaced by Personal Independence Payment (PIP). If you already have DLA for a mobility car the change to PIP may affect your Motability eligibility.
However, the Motability Scheme will continue to lease cars to disabled people who receive the Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of PIP, which has the same value as the Higher Rate Mobility Component of DLA.
As part of its welfare reform programme, the Government has started to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for disabled people aged between 16 and 64 with a new benefit called Personal Independence Payment (PIP). This process began in April 2013 in Great Britain and will begin on 20 June 2016 in Northern Ireland.
Motability Scheme customers currently use their DLA to pay for their vehicle leases. Therefore it is important that you are aware of the Government’s changes to disability benefits and how the Motability Scheme will support you through the transition if you are no longer eligible to use the Scheme.